Jeju City’s revocation of building permit ‘legal’
김민회 영어뉴스  |
|  2017.01.23 13:40

Jeju City’s revocation of building permit ‘legal’
Court rules against developer

A court has ruled that Jeju City’s revocation of a building permit for a housing project was lawful because the developer subdivided the land after receiving initial approval for the project.

Jeju District Court chief administrative Judge (변민선) Byeon Min-sun dismissed the corporation’s case. It had brought the suit to force a reversal to Jeju City’s annulment of the permit.

The developer divided the site into six sections one month after getting approval to build a single 80-unit development in November 2015.

토지 분할 주택건설 불허 처분 '적법'

토지를 분할해 공동주택을 짓겠다는 사업계획에 대해 제주시가 불허 처분을 내린것은 적법하다는 법원의 판결이 나왔습니다.

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한편 해당 부지는 지난 2015년 11월 80세대 규모의 단독주택 건설사업으로 허가를 받고 한달 뒤 6개 구역으로 분할됐습니다
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