Prosecutor’s office outlines plans to keep election clean
김민회 영어뉴스  |
|  2017.03.24 13:08

Prosecutor’s office outlines plans to keep election clean
Thursday meeting with police, election commission representatives

The Jeju District Prosecutor’s Office is working with other agencies to weed out election-related crimes as the country prepares to select a new president in May.

Representatives from the office met Thursday with their counterparts from the police, the provincial election commission, and other agencies. They decided to focus on eliminating black propaganda, vote buying, the manipulation of public opinion, illegal campaigning, and the illegal involvement of public servants in campaigning.

Authorities are putting special emphasis on rooting out the unauthorized disclosure of information and black propaganda. Also, the prosecutor’s office said it would track down the producers, distributors, and even the masterminds of so-called “fake news” and prosecute them to the fullest extend of the law.

Now that the date for the presidential election has been set, the prosecutor’s office has enacted emergency operating procedures to make sure it can fulfill its duties

제주지검, 대선 흑색선전·가짜뉴스 '엄단'

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제주지검은 오늘(23일) 제주도선거관리위원회와 경찰 등 유관기관 대책회의를 열고 흑색선전과 금품선거, 여론조작, 단체의 불법선거운동, 공무원 선거개입 행위를 중점 단속하기로 했습니다.

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