Vietnamese nationals jailed for ‘escape’ to mainland
김민회 영어뉴스  |
|  2017.04.20 13:18

Vietnamese nationals jailed for ‘escape’ to mainland
Used fishing boat to ferry illegal aliens

Two Vietnamese crew members of a local fishing vessel have been sentenced to ten months behind bars for using the boat to help five other Vietnamese nationals illegally leave the island for elsewhere in Korea.

The incident happened in April 2016. Jeju District Court Judge Hwang Mi-jeong also sentenced one of the escapees, a 24-year-old surnamed “Re,” to a six-month term and two years of probation.

In explaining her decision, Judge Hwang said the two crewmembers deceived their captain to commit the crime and that one of the two, a 48-year-old surnamed “Eungwen,” received a significant amount of money his role.

무단이탈 시킨 베트남 선원 잇따라 실형

제주지방법원 형사2단독 황미정 판사는 지난해 4월 무사증으로 제주에 들어온 베트남인 5명을 어선을 이용해 무단이탈을 도운 혐의로 기소된 베트남인 선원인 48살 응웬 모 피고인 등 2명에게 징역 10월을 선고했습니다.

이와함께 이들의 도움을 받아 무단이탈한 혐의로 기소된 24살 레 모피고인에게 징역 6월에 집행유예 2년을 선고했습니다.

법원은 피고인들이 선장을 속이고 범행을 저질러 죄질이 나쁘고 대가로 받은 돈도 적다고 볼 수 없다며 양형이유를 설명했습니다.

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