IB Curriculum for Rural High Schools
김민회 영어뉴스  |  1004@kctvjeju.com
|  2017.11.21 14:00
The provincial office of education plans to introduce the International Baccalaureate curriculum at the island’s rural high schools. Supporters say this will help local students compete with their peers around the globe, but critics question the future of the plan after the current superintendent of education leaves office. Joseph Kim reports.

IB curriculum recognized by higher education institutions worldwide

The IB curriculum is designed by the International Baccalaureate Organization, a not-for-profit educational foundation, and is globally recognized by universities for the holistic and rigorous education it provides.

The IBO offers high-quality and challenging educational programmes for a worldwide community of schools, aiming to create a better and more peaceful world.

Many international institutions including Branksome Hall Asia use the IB curriculum.

Different from the nation’s typical curriculum that focuses on memorization and single-answer tests, the IB curriculum stimulates conversations and discussion and evaluate students’ performance by short answer exams.

The provincial office of education has announced that it will introduce the global curriculum.

‘Public schools need to adopt IB curriculum’

At the press conference, the Superintendent of education (이석문) Lee Seok-mun insisted that the public schools need to be renovated based on the IB curriculum for the island to be a globally educational city.

He says that the exam-free semester system which is a part of the process assessment, evaluation on an absolute scale and modular high school education system that Lee initiated since he took office are in line with the IB curriculum.

Lee Seok-mun / Superintendent of education
The IB program can help in the evaluation of school courses and academic records for students, and it incorporates a credit system for high schools.
<싱크 : 이석문 / 제주특별자치도 교육감>
"IB 교육과정이 과정평가, 내신 절대평가, 고교학점제를 꿰는 하나의 역할을 할 것이다 라고 보고 있습니다."

For the restructure, elementary, middle and high schools in rural areas would be able to introduce the IB curriculum within 5 years based on research results on the IB that will be released early 2018.

Lee aims to enhance public education

Lee’s plan is to enhance the quality of education at public schools to the level of globally recognized educational institutions and revitalize schools in rural areas.

Lee Seok-mun / Superintendent of education
Unlike the private education model that only focuses on exams and college entrance, a new public education model based on the IB curriculum will prepare them for entrance to globally-recognized universities.
<인터뷰 : 이석문 / 제주특별자치도 교육감>
우리가 거꾸로 대입에만 매달려서 가는 방향(사교육)이 있다면 또 새롭게 밑에서 올라가는 힘(공교육 혁신)이 있을 수 있고요. 그렇게 되면 in서울(서울권 대학 진학)이 아니라 IB과정이 인정되면 전세계 원하는 대학 어디든 갈 수 있겠다."

[Reporter] Joseph Kim
[Camera] Kim Yong-min

However, critics are raising questions on the continuity of the new policy saying that this trial is uncommon in Korea and Lee’s term will run out in a few months.

Joseph Kim, KCTV

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