Promoting Jeju tourism in western Russia
김민회 영어뉴스  |
|  2017.11.22 14:08

Promoting Jeju tourism in western Russia
Local organizations take part in Medical Wellness Roadshow

The provincial government and the Jeju Tourism Organization are trying to develop the local wellness tourism market by targeting wealthy travelers in western Russia.

Officials from the two organizations joined representatives from Halla Hospital, the WE Hotel, and Hankook Hospital to participate in Russia’s Medical Wellness Roadshow. That led to about 100 consultations with major outbound travel agencies in the western part of the country.

They plan to use this success as a springboard to further expand the market.

In related news, the JTO took part in a medical expo at the Seoul Coex as part of efforts to diversify the local healthcare market.

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이에 따라 최근 한라병원 위 호텔, 한국병원과 함께 러시아 의료웰니스 로드쇼에 참가해 서부러시아권 유력 송출업체와 100건의 상담 실적을 거뒀습니다.

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