Provincial council speaker dies
김민회 영어뉴스  |
|  2017.11.23 13:48

Provincial council speaker dies
Shin Gwang-hong hailed for ‘politics based on cooperation’

People from across the political spectrum are mourning the death of provincial council speaker Shin Gwang-hong.

Mr. Shin passed away Wednesday due to unspecified health problems.

Governor Won Hee-ryong said the speaker had dedicated himself to forging a local brand of politics based on coexistence and cooperation, and he expressed his wish that he rest in peace.

The Jeju Bareun Party, to which Mr. Shin had belonged, has declared a week of mourning.

Representatives from the Liberty Korea Party, the People’s Party, the Minju Party of Korea, and other political parties also expressed their condolences at Mr. Shin’s passing.

"상생·협력 정치 평생 헌신"....애도 성명 이어져

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