Jeju Olle Foundation awarded presidential citation
김민회 영어뉴스  |
|  2017.11.23 14:11

Jeju Olle Foundation awarded presidential citation
Lauded for contribution to local economy

National authorities have selected the Jeju Olle Foundation as a prime example of a local development model after it sparked a walking craze.

The foundation received a presidential citation for its contribution to the local economy at the 2017 National Balanced Development Expo. The event was Monday at the Busan Bexco.

Authorities pointed out that it had identified a local revenue model by creating its Olle walking trails, which led to job creation.

This is just the latest award for the foundation. The list includes the Jaeam Culture Award, the environment ministry’s Green City Presidential Award, Kyobo Life Insurance’s Environment Grand Prize, and the Asian Townscape Award.

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