PM supports April Third Incident Special Law amendment
김광환 PD  |
|  2018.02.09 15:36

1. PM supports April Third Incident Special Law amendment
Lee Nak-yeon says government will cooperate to get revision passed

The prime minister says the Moon Jae-in administration will work to pass a proposed amendment to the Jeju April Third Incident Special Law.

During a Wednesday interpellation session at the National Assembly, Lee Nak-yeon also expressed gratitude to islanders for working towards reconciliation regardless of whether they or their relatives were on the side of the victims or the government during the April Third Incident.

Meanwhile, Justice minister Park Sang-gi said that, no matter how difficult it may be, it is crucial to restore the honor of people convicted during the incident in summary military trials. The minister said those trials were in violation of the constitution.

이낙연 총리, "4·3특별법 개정안 통과 협력"

이낙연 국무총리가 제주 4.3 특별법 개정안 통과를 위해 정부 차원에서 협력하겠다고 밝혔습니다.

이 총리는 7일 국회 교육사회문화분야 대정부 질문에서 가해자와 피해자가 화해의 정신을 보여주는 제주도민들에게 감사드린다며 제주4.3 특별법 개정안이 국회에서 처리될 수 있도록 정부도 협력하겠다고 말했습니다.

박상기 법무부장관은 4.3 수형인 재판의 경우 자세한 과정을 파악하기 어렵지만
중대한 적법절차를 위반한 만큼 명예회복 절차가 필요하다고 언급했습니다.

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