Democratic Party wants Kim Jung-un to visit Hallasan
김동국 PD  |
|  2018.09.20 15:22

1. Democratic Party wants Kim Jung-un to visit Hallasan
North Korean leader has promised to come to Seoul

President Moon Jae-in visited (백두산) Baekdusan as part of an inter-Korean summit, so the local office of the Democratic Party of Korea wants his North Korean counterpart to visit Hallasan Mountain.

In a Wednesday statement, the office said it would work toward getting North Korean leader (김정은) Kim Jung-un to visit the highest mountain on Jeju, the so-called “Island of Peace,” while on a promised trip to Seoul.

The party said it was working on the creation of a new peaceful and prosperous future by inviting Kim Jung-un to visit Hallasan.

민주당 "김정은 위원장 한라산 방문 추진"

평양 정상회담 중인 문재인 대통령이 백두산을 방문한 가운데 더불어민주당 제주도당은 김정은 북한 국무위원장의 한라산 방문을 추진하기로 했습니다.

민주당 도당은 19일 성명을 내고 김정은 위원장이 약속한 서울 방문 때 평화의 섬 제주의 한라산 방문을 추진하겠다면서

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