Province installing 52 electric vehicle quick charging stations
김동국 PD  |
|  2018.10.19 15:08

3. Province installing 52 electric vehicle quick charging stations
Units are specially designed for the disabled, pregnant women

The provincial government is setting up electric vehicle quick chargers for the disabled, pregnant women, and other people who have a hard time getting around.

The province plans to use 3 billion won in lottery funds from Seoul to install 52 quick chargers at social welfare facilities, associations for the disabled, and other similar locations. The work will be done by the end of the year.

Compared to other charging stations, the connectors on these are both lighter and accessible from a lower position.

Provincial officials say they plan to secure 9 billion won through 2020 to install more chargers.

전국 최초 교통약자 급속충전기 보급

제주도가 전국 최초로 장애인과 임산부 같은 교통약자들이 이용할 수 있는 전기차 급속충전기를 보급합니다.

제주도는 정부 복권기금 30억여 원을 투입해 연말까지 도내 사회복지시설과 장애인 단체 등에 급속충전기 52기를 설치할 계획입니다.

교통약자 급속충전기는 일반 제품에 비해 충전 커넥터가 가볍고 위치도 낮게 설치됐습니다.

제주도는 2020년까지 90억 원을 확보해 충전기 보급사업을 추진하겠다고 밝혔습니다.

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