Crackdown on businesses deemed harmful to minors
김동국 PD  |
|  2018.11.16 09:52

5. Crackdown on businesses deemed harmful to minors
HS seniors have a lot more free time on their hands now

With the university entrance exam now over and test-takers with a lot more free time on their hands, Jeju City is cracking down through December 15th on businesses that are deemed harmful to minors.

Authorities are focusing on bars and other entertainment businesses that sell alcohol. They will be looking for evidence of underage workers and customers, as well as alcohol sales to minors.

Authorities will also inspect the sanitation in cooking areas as well as the general hygiene of the establishments. Finally, they will ensure no businesses are selling expired products.

수능 이후 청소년 유해업소 특별 단속

제주시가 수능 시험 이후 다음달 15일까지 청소년 유해업소를 대상으로 특별 단속에 나섭니다.

이번 단속은 주점과 유흥업소 등 주류를 취급하는 업소를 대상으로 청소년을 고용하거나 출입을 묵인하는 행위, 주류 제공 행위를 점검하게 됩니다.

이와함께 조리장 위생관리 상태와 유통기간 경과 제품을 판매하는 행위 등
위생관리 전반을 살필 예정입니다.

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