Public petition against Greenland International Hospital
김동국 PD  |
|  2018.12.11 15:12

1. Public petition against Greenland International Hospital
14,000+ oppose Jeju governor’s decision allowing hospital to open

Thousands of people have so far signed an online petition at the presidential Blue House to force Governor Won Heeryong to reverse his decision to conditionally approve the opening of the nation’s first for-profit hospital.

The petition was posted December fourth and 14,000 Korean citizens and counting have added their names to the list.

The appeal states that President Moon Jae-in had promised not to implement any policies allowing for-profit hospitals. It argues that he should therefore force the Jeju governor to revoke his decision regarding Greenland International Hospital.

The backlash to the governor’s decision continues to grow as more sign this and similar petitions.

"영리병원 불허" 청와대 국민청원 잇따라

원희룡 제주도지사가 녹지국제병원을 조건부로 개원 허가한 가운데 개원을 불허해야 한다는 청와대 국민청원이 잇따르고 있습니다.

원 지사가 제주도민의 공론조사로 결정한 영리병원 불허 결정을 따르도록 해달라는 국민청원은 지난 4일 게시된 이후 지금까지 만 4천명 넘는 국민이 동의했습니다.

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이 밖에도 영리병원에 대한 찬성과 반대 의견을 담은 국민청원이 계속되며 파장이 계속 확산하고 있습니다.

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