Employment rate falls
김동국 PD  |  ttiger8@kctvjeju.com
|  2018.12.13 15:21

4. Employment rate falls
Slumps in construction, manufacturing lead decline

Slumps in mining and manufacturing as well as construction have brought the Jeju employment rate down.

The Honam Regional Statistics Office says the employment rate in Jeju last month was 69.6 percent. That’s 2.2 percentage points lower than in November 2017.

By industry, more jobs were added in agriculture and fishing, electricity, transportation, and communications. Those gains couldn’t outpace the losses in mining and manufacturing, construction, individual businesses, and public service.

Some 8,000 people are unemployed in Jeju. That’s over 2,000 more than a year ago.

건설업 침체 속 제주지역 고용률 하락

광공업과 건설업 침체로 인해 제주지역 고용률이 하락했습니다.

호남지방통계청에 따르면 지난달 제주지역 고용률은 69.6%로 지난해 같은 기간보다 2.2%p 하락했습니다..

산업별로 보면 농림어업과 전기, 운수 통신업 분야에서 취업자가 증가했지만 광공업과 건설업, 개인 사업, 공공서비스업에서 큰 감소세를 보였습니다.

제주지역 실업자수는 8천명으로 1년전보다 2천명 이상 증가했습니다.

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