Briefing session for 2nd airport canceled
김동국 PD  |
|  2019.02.14 19:18
2. Briefing session for 2nd airport canceled
Opponents blocked entrance to venue

Opponents forced a planned briefing session for the island’s second airport to be called off.

The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport planned to hold the session Thursday for area residents in (성산읍) Seongsan-eup. Opponents blocked the entrance to the venue, forcing organizers to cancel the event.

Critics claim the session was planned without adequate discussions beforehand, calling the move an attempt to deceive area residents.

Land ministry representatives said at a Thursday press conference that they expect the development of the airport to proceed as planned. They also say they found no merit to the issues raised in opposition to the facility.

국토부 제2공항 도민설명회 파행 (영어뉴스)

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국토부는 오늘(14일) 제2공항 예정지인 성산읍에서
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특별한 문제점은 발견되지 않았다고 주장했습니다.

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