New Airport Supporters Raise Voices
김동국 PD  |
|  2019.03.12 11:59
People supporting the second airport are voicing their opinions. They are prepared to persuade their opponents with alternatives.

Joseph Kim with the story.

[slug] New Airport Creation Supporting Council first founded in 2008

The New Airport Creation Support Council comprised of people from the province, the economic sector and civic groups was established in 2008.

Since its foundation, the number of airport passengers has surged for the past decade, and the construction of the second airport has been determined.

Basic design and plans for the construction are now being drawn.

Meanwhile, some islanders oppose the new airport plan.

[slug] New Airport Creation Support Council meets
[slug] At Jeju Chamber of Commerce & Industry

The New Airport Creation Support Council has recently resumed its activities including coming up with plans to ease conflict between supporters and opponents for a better future.

[slug] 63 groups supporting new airport join council

More than 60 local economic groups and associations joined the council and they argue that the construction of the second airport should be completed as scheduled.

Kim Dae-hyeong / New Airport Creation Supporting Council Representative
Now, it’s time for islanders to cooperate in order to push ahead with the construction for Jeju’s future, instead of furthering disputes and conflict.
< 김대형 / 제주권공항인프라확충 범도민추진협의회 공동대표 >
이제는 논란과 갈등을 넘어 제2공항 개발사업이 제주의 미래를 위한 동력산업으로 추진될 수 있도록 도민의 역량을 하나로 모아야 할 때입니다.

[slug] Council to form working group

The council plans to form a working group to support the construction and propose specific alternatives to ease the conflict.

Gang Tae-ok / Jeju Chamber of Commerce & Industry Representative
The council will have the coexistence committee at working level to mediate conflict, come up with alternatives and propose directions.
< 강태욱 / 제주상공회의소 사무국장 >
제2공항 상생발전위원회는 실무급인데, 갈등 조정과 상생 방안 제시, 방향 등을 발굴하고...

[slug] “Council should persuade opponents”

At the meeting, they say the council should have clear grounds and explanation to deal with alleged suspicion raised by some civic groups and persuade the opponents.

Kim Ho-seong / Jeju Regional Administrative Union Head
I believe that we should issue a joint statement that refutes NGOs’ allegations systematically.
< 김호성 / 제주도 행정동우회 회장 >
NGO가 반대하는 하나 하나에 대해 지혜롭게 (대응 논리를) 만들어서 공동 성명으로 발표하는 게 옳다고 생각합니다.

Yang Seong-chan / Jeju Aviation Policy Research Institute Head
It’s an exaggeration to say the report on the second airport plan is poorly prepared because of some typos and calculation mistakes.
< 양성창 / 제주항공정책연구소 소장 >
보고서에 오타가 있었다던지, 계산이 부분적으로 잘못됐다던지 하는 것을 전부 다 부실하다고 얘기하는 것은 너무 간 게 아니냐...

[Reporter] Joseph Kim
[Camera] Hyeon Gwang-hoon

The council will also send a written request for the construction without delay to Seoul and disseminate relevant information to islanders.

Joseph Kim, KCTV

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