Deteriorating water meters to be replaced free of charge
김동국 PD  |
|  2019.03.15 12:19
5. Deteriorating water meters to be replaced free of charge
Over 9,000 new meters will be installed

Jeju City will replace water meters that have been in use for over 8 years. The new meters will be equipped with an anti-freeze device as well as a backflow prevention system. The service will be free of charge.

Replacements planned for 2019 include a total of 5,500 new water meters for dong (동) administrative districts, and approximately 3,800 new meters for municipal areas.

There are currently about 113,000 water meters installed in Jeju-si. Last year alone, over 1,200 were damaged, and over 900 were reported to be defective.

노후 수도계량기 무상 교체

제주시가 사용한 지 8년 이상된 노후 수도계량기를 무상으로 교체합니다.

올해 무상 교체 대상은
동지역 5천 500개,
읍면지역 3천 800여 개 등으로

동파 방지와 역류 방지 기능이 포함된 계량기로 교체하게 됩니다.

제주시에는 수도계량기
여 개가 설치돼 있으며
지난해 파손율은 1.08%, 고장률은 0.8%를 기록했습니다.

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