Tough Negotiation Expected
김동국 PD  |
|  2019.03.18 11:57
Public parks that have been delayed for over a decade are finally beginning to see the light.

The province plans to begin land purchases next month, at the earliest.

However, price negotiations between the province and land owners are expected to be tough.

If negotiations fail, the province is considering expropriation of land as a final measure.

Joseph Kim reports.

[slug] 43 park creation plans to be canceled if land is not purchased

Plans to build 43 parks in urban areas have long been delayed for over ten years.

The 43 parks have been planned to sit on 7 million square meters of land in total.

That is 14 times the area of (우도) Udo Island.

If the province doesn't purchase the land for the parks by July of next year, the plans which are subject to the sunset law will be revoked.

The province is planning to purchase land of 680 square meters for 39 new parks by 2023.

[slug] Province to buy land for 9 new parks this year

This year, land purchases for nine parks including ones in (사라봉) Sarabong and (남조봉) Namjobong oreum will be completed.

Compensation expenses of 73 billion won are allocated for the acquisition.

[slug] Negotiations begin in April

Jeju City has announced its compensation plans and commissioned an appraisal institute to assess the land value.

It will begin proceedings for the compensation beginning next month at the earliest.

Representative, Jeju City
We've surveyed the land, gained entry into the private land and announced the compensation plans. We'll start compensation as soon as the land value appraisal results are released.
<씽크:제주시 관계자>
"측량을 실시한 상태이고 출입허가와 보상계획 열람 공고를 완료했고 감정평가를 의뢰해서 결과가 나오는 대로 신속히 보상할 계획입니다."

For parks larger than 100,000 square meters, a consultative body that allows for landowners participation should be organized.

[slug] Negotiations for compensation expected to be tough

The planned sites include hundreds of plots, and landowners have different needs and expectations.

[slug] Negotiations to be tougher for low-lying land and land near roads

Especially, owners of low-lying plots and land adjacent to roads would not likely sell their properties.

In the past, the city appraised the value of the land at 2,000 to 3,000 won per 3.3㎡. This is grossly underestimated. I won't sell my properties for that price.
"(가격이) 적당하면 팔지만 시청에서 제시하는 가격만 준다고 하는데 옛날도 보면 2천원, 3천원 했어. 평균, 이 지역의 가격으로 보상해주면.. 그런데 그 돈 받아서 뭐해?"

Landowners are requesting to increase the compensation prices or to cancel the park creation plans.

[slug] Province considers expropriation

If negotiations fail, the province will consider expropriation of the land.

However, expropriation would cause even greater opposition from landowners whose property rights have been restricted for more than a decade.

[Reporter] Joseph Kim
[Camera] Kim Yong-min

The province resolved to clinch bargains, and is devoting all its energy to persuading landowners in hopes of reaching agreements on compensation.

Joseph Kim, KCTV

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