Jeju City to demand right to indemnity from waste processing company
김동국 PD  |
|  2019.04.02 13:37
4. Jeju City to demand right to indemnity from waste processing company
Administrative oversight will be performed

Jeju City and the provincial council held a meeting to discuss the problem of compressed waste returned from the Philippines.

Members of the council's environmental city committee emphasized the need for preventive measures to self-process compressed waste. Also they suggested food waste from the local areas should be collected separately.

Jeju City mayor (고희범) Go Hee-beom said he will request the contracted company to process compressed waste of other areas. Jeju City will perform administrative oversight and demand compensation if the consigned company fails to fulfill the contract.

He also added that the food waste in local areas will be treated at the resource recovery plant from June.

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