Seogwipo City moves forward with its ‘Integrative Medical Safety-Net’
김동국 PD  |
|  2019.04.09 15:38
2. Seogwipo City moves forward with its ‘Integrative Medical Safety-Net’
Medical system and services to be improved

Seogwipo has announced a plan to launch its Integrative Medical Safety Net.

The Presidential Committee for Balanced National Development and the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport evaluated 27 pilot projects for regional development submitted from all over the country. A total of 11 projects, including Seogwipo’s Integrative Medical Safety Net were selected.

The project will receive 20 billion won over the next three years. The city will expand its medical social overhead capital(SOC) services and innovate its emergency medical system.

서귀포 통합형 의료안전망 구축 추진

서귀포시의 통합형 의료안전망 구축사업이 추진될 전망입니다.

국가균형발전위원회와 국토교통부는
전국에서 응모한 27건의
지역발전투자협약 시범사업에 대한 평가를 벌여
통합형 의료안전망 구축 등 11건을 최종 선정했습니다.

이에 따라 서귀포시의 통합형 의료안전망 구축사업은
앞으로 3년간 200억원이 투입돼
의료분야 생활 SOC를 확충하고 응급의료체계를 혁신하게 됩니다.

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