Governor says ‘expansion of Bijarim Road is inevitable’
김동국 PD  |
|  2019.04.10 15:47

1. Governor says ‘expansion of Bijarim Road is inevitable’
Reforestation plan to be implemented

Governor Won Heeryong announced to resume construction of Bijarim Road with minimal environmental damage.

The governor stated at the recent question and answer session at the provincial council on the 9th that expanding Bijarim Road is a “must” to accommodate increased car influx.

He stressed the construction plan has been revised to minimize environmental damage, based on public concerns toward cutting down local Cedar trees.

Governor Won emphasized that trees more suitable to the ecosystem of Jeju Island will be planted to take the place of removed Cedars, which requires genetic improvement to adapt to the island’s environment.

"비자림로 확장 필요…대체조림 조성"

원희룡 지사가
최근 공사가 재개된 비자림로를
환경 훼손을 최소화하면서 추진하겠다고 밝혔습니다.

원 지사는
9일 도정질문에서
현재 비자림로는 차량 통행량이 늘고
도로가 비좁아 확장 공사는 불가피하다고 말했습니다.

삼나무 훼손 논란에 설계를 수정했고
공사 과정에서도 환경피해를 최소화겠다고 강조했습니다.

삼나무 벌채를 환경 훼손 관점으로만 봐서는 안된다며
수종 개량이 필요한 삼나무 대신에
제주 생태계에 더 적합한 나무를 심겠다고 강조했습니다.

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