Province recruits agencies to sell Jeju special products in China
김동국 PD  |
|  2019.04.22 10:40

5. Province recruits agencies to sell Jeju special products in China
Exhibition shops will receive up to 50M won for interior design costs

The provincial government is recruiting three agencies to operate exhibition shops selling Jeju Special Products at some major cities in China.

Agencies must allocate 70 percent of the total products displayed with goods made and exported from Jeju in order to qualify for the subsidy.

Local officials will select three companies next month after reviewing applications and conducting on-the spot inspections. Selected agencies will receive grants up to 50 million won for interior design expenses.

The province operated an exhibition shop in Datong, China for the first time last year.

중국 내 제주상품 전시판매 운영 업체 모집

제주특별자치도가 중국 주요도시에서
제주수출상품의 전용전시판매장 운영 업체를 모집합니다.

전시상품의 70% 이상을
제주상품으로 구성해야 합니다.

공모 이후
서류평가와 현장실사 등을 거쳐
다음달에 3개 업체를 선정할 계획이며
최고 5천만원의 인테리어 비용이 지원됩니다.

제주도는 지난해
중국 따퉁시에 처음으로 전시판매장을 운영했습니다.

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