Province to construct a rural village resort complex
김동국 PD  |
|  2019.05.14 14:47

2. Province to construct a rural village resort complex
\7.8b investment on 67,000m2 land in Songdang-ri

An agricultural and fishery village resort complex will be built in Songdang-ri, Gujwa-eup.

The provincial government made announcements on May 12th that local officials finalized plans to create a resort complex where tourists can experience the farming and fishing villages in Songdang-ri on May 8th.

A total of 7.8 billion won will be invested in the 67,000-square-meter site located at Songdang-ri, Gujwa-eup to create a stone park, natural recreation center and a multi-purpose garden.

The local government will conduct a thorough assessment of the construction project’s impact on the environment and preventive measures against natural disasters before approving the construction project.

송당리에 농어촌관광 휴양단지 조성 추진

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