Jeju underground shopping mall to receive ₩1b
김동국 PD  |
|  2019.05.14 14:49
3. Jeju underground shopping mall to receive ₩1b
New promotional contents to enhance shopping experience

Jeju Jungang Underground Shopping Mall has been selected by the Ministry of Small and Medium Enterprises and Startups as part of its culture tourism promotion scheme.

The shopping mall is Jeju’s only underground shopping mall located in the downtown area of Jeju City. It is a popular local attraction site with up to 300 shops.

The underground arcade was selected by the ministry of SMEs by proposing various projects that to promote and enhance the experience for tourists and locals in the shopping mall. Proposals included promotion projects such as ICT and video content development, events within the arcade, implementation of culture tourism development forums, installation of theme artifacts and electronic lockers and customized SNS marketing for shops within the arcade.

The underground mall will receive 1 billion won from the ministry of SMEs for the next 2 years.

제주중앙지하상가, 정부 문화관광시장 선정

중소벤처기업부의 올해 문화관광형시장 육성사업에 최종 선정됐습니다.
이에 따라 앞으로
2년간 최대 10억원의 사업비를 지원받게 됐습니다.

제주중앙지하상가는 이번 공모에서
ICT와 영상콘텐츠 개발 등 홍보강화 사업과
상가 내 이벤트 행사,
문화관광형 발전 포럼 시행,
전자식 물품보관함 설치,
상인들을 대상으로 한 맞춤형 SNS 마케팅 교육을 제안했습니다.

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    여러분들의 제보가 한발 더 가까이 다가서는 뉴스를 만들 수 있습니다.
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