African Swine Fever Virus found in sausages brought by Chinese
김동국 PD  |
|  2019.05.20 14:45

3. African Swine Fever Virus found in sausages brought by Chinese
Intensified quarantine inspections against livestock products

A highly contagious and deadly virus that has a fatality rate of nearly 100% in pigs has been found in meat products brought into the island by a Chinese tourist.

The Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs said that the African Swine Fever Virus genetic material was detected in pork sausages brought in by a Chinese tourist from the Shandong province on April 29.

It is the second time ASF virus has been detected in Jeju since August 2018.

The ministry is implementing stronger countermeasures against ASF virus by banning illegal livestock imports and intensifying quarantine inspections at the local airport and seaports.

중국 관광객 소시지 '돼지열병 유전자' 검출

중국인 관광객이 가져온 돼지 육가공품에서
아프리카 돼지열병
바이러스 유전자가 검출됐습니다.

지난달 29일, 중국 산동성에서
제주로 온 여행객이 휴대한 소시지에서
돼지열병을 유발하는
ASF 바이러스 유전자가 검출됐다고 밝혔습니다.

제주에서 돼지열병 바이러스가 검출 된 것은
지난해 8월 이후 두번 째입니다.

축산물 불법 반입을 금지하는 한편 공항만 검역을 강화하고 있습니다.

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