Doctor fined ₩5M for medical negligence
김동국 PD  |
|  2019.05.23 15:17

3. Doctor fined ₩5M for medical negligence
Court rules surgical consent 'does not imply consent to injury'

A doctor who injured a patient during a liposuction procedure at a local hospital has been fined ₩5m.

The plaintiff received a liposuction procedure from the doctor in 2016 at a hospital in Jeju.

Jeju District Court Judge Lee Jang-wook found that the patient’s consent of surgery does not imply that the plaintiff consented to potential injuries from medical negligence and thereby ruled guilty as charged.

지방제거술하다 장기손상 의사 벌금형

제주지방법원 형사2단독 이장욱 판사는
지난 2016년 11월 제주시내 병원에서 복부지방제거술을 하다
다른 장기에 상처를 입힌 혐의로 기소된
의사인 42살 송 모 피고인에게 벌금 5백 만원을 선고했습니다.

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