Blood Reserves Running Low
김동국 PD  |
|  2020.02.28 11:30
As COVID-19 has been spreading across the nation, fewer people are donating blood in Jeju. The blood supply has halved in volume.
The Korean Red Cross Blood Services is encouraging residents to donate blood to keep the blood supply stable.
Provincial councilors join the effort.
Mike Laidman reports.

[slug] Blood Donation Center in Yeondong, Jeju City

This blood donation center in Jeju City used to have lines of people waiting to donate, but now, with a plunge in donors due to fear over COVID-19, all is quiet.

[slug] Blood donor numbers tumble with COVID-19 outbreak

Before the outbreak, there was an average of 120 people donating blood every day, but now that number has dropped by 50 percent.
Even blood donation buses, which can roll right up to an office’s front door, are seeing fewer donors.

[slug] COVID-19 fear means people reluctant to donate blood

T2 This drop has happened as a direct result of the increase in confirmed cases of COVID-19. Since that number started to climb last week, blood donors have steered clear of donation centers.

Im Gyu-nam / Rep., Jeju office, Korean Redcross Blood Services
We wear masks and check the temperatures of our colleagues every day when they arrive at the office. We also take donor temperatures and always offer hand sanitizer. Safety first. We keep our equipment clean; there's no risk of contracting COVID-19 by donating blood.
<인터뷰 : 임규남 / 제주특별자치도혈액원 헌혈개발팀장>
"직원 모두 출근할 때 체온 측정하고요. 채혈 현장에 오시면 방문객 대상으로 체온 측정을 하고 (직원들이) 마스크도 물론 착용하고요. 소독제를 항상 비치하고 있고 안전을 최우선으로 관리하고 있는 만큼 믿고 오셔서 헌혈하셔도 전혀 걱정 안 하셔도 됩니다."

[slug] Group donations canceled, blood in short supply

Jeju’s blood supply has taken a hard hit due to fewer donors as well as cancelled group donations, like those by soldiers.
Blood centers in Jeju are now running on a 3.8-day supply in order to meet their routine transfusion demands.

[slug] Jeju blood reserves at an alarming level

That's significantly lower than the recommended 10-day supply and means the blood reserves in Jeju have dropped to an alarming level.
To try and boost the supply, members of the provincial council are joining in on donating.

Kim Tae-seok / Councilor
Blood is in short supply due to the COVID-19 spread. We're donating blood to help prevent unfortunate events caused by there being insufficient blood.
<인터뷰 : 김태석 / 제주도의회 의장>
"코로나19 여파로 해서 이제 혈액이 상당히 부족하다고 들었습니다. 이렇게 어려운 상황에서 다른 불상사가 생기지 않기 위해서 우리 정치권 특히 의회에서 이런 참여를 함으로써…."

Even employees of the Provincial Council are joining in.

Hong Myeong-hwan / Councilor
I've donated blood about ten times. I want to help as much as I can.
<싱크 : 홍명환 / 제주도의회 의원>
"(지금까지) 10번 가까이 했었는데 최근에 한 적이 없어서 겸사겸사 같이하게 됐습니다."

Ko Tae-sun / Councilor
The blood reserves have been running low due to the COVID-19 outbreak. It would be wonderful if everyone able could join in and donate.
<인터뷰 : 고태순 / 제주도의회 보건복지안전위원장>
"코로나가 상당히 전국적으로 확산되는 상황에서 혈액이 많이 부족한 것으로 알고 있습니다. 도민들께서도 반드시 동참해서 헌혈에 참여해주시면 감사드리겠습니다."

[Reporter] Mike Laidman
[Camera] Jwa Sang-eun
Given that it's not easy to transport blood between Jeju Island and the mainland, blood donations are needed now more than ever to keep a stable blood supply. T3 Losing more lives due to a blood shortage and fear over COVID-19 is in no one’s best interest.

Mike Laidman, KCTV

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