Public sports facilities reopen in stages
김동국 PD  |
|  2020.05.27 15:01
2. Public sports facilities reopen in stages
Changing rooms and public showers remain closed

As society transitions to the ‘Distancing in Daily Life’ phase, public sports facilities which have been closed for more than 100 days are partially reopening.
The Jeju City Municipal Office is operating 32 outdoor sports facilities using a reservation system from May 27th. The office is planning to open the remaining facilities from June 4th.

However, changing rooms and public showers are still not open for use.

Indoor sports facilities, such as swimming pools, will be open from June 4 for athletes only and will be open to the public from June 22.

공공체육시설 부분 개방…사전예약제 도입

생활 속 거리두기로 전환하면서
100일 넘게 폐쇄했던 공공체육시설도 부분 개방합니다.

실외 공공체육시설 가운데
사전 예약제로 운영하는 32곳은
나머지 체육시설은 6월 4일 개방합니다.

다만 샤워실과 탈의실 등 공용시설은 이용할 수 없습니다.

수영장 같은 실내공공체육시설의 경우
다음달 4일부터 선수단에 한해 개방하고
같은 달 22일부터 일반인까지 개방을 확대합니다.

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