Governor Won expresses interest to run for president
김동국 PD  |
|  2020.05.29 14:41
1. Governor Won expresses interest to run for president
Won shows intention to participate in primary election

Jeju Governor Won Hee-ryong has expressed his intention to run for the office of the presidency, stating that the 2022 presidential election will be a significant turning point for the nation, and consequently he will have to risk everything.

In a recent interview with the central daily newspaper, Governor Won said that when the Moon Jae-in regime came to power, pledging to settle all the accumulated corruption of the previous regime, there were inherent limitations in their party’s ideology to enact change. Therefore, the moderate/conservatives could win the presidential election in two years if they are able to innovate rigorously.

He left open the possibility of participation in the elections by saying that there will be a primary election to elect a single candidate from the moderate/conservative party, and that he does not have to resign from his current Jeju governor's post even if he participates in the primary elections.

1. 원 지사, 대선 도전 의지…"중도·보수 경선 참여"

원희룡 제주도지사가
2022년 대선이
국가 운명의 분수령이 될 것이기 때문에
모든 것을 걸고 자신을 던져야 한다는 고민을 하고 있다며
대선 도전 의지를 내비쳤습니다.

원 지사는 최근 중앙 일간지와 가진 인터뷰를 통해
문재인 정권이 적폐 청산을 내걸고 집권했지만
이념 세력으로서 본질적인 한계를 드러내고 있다며
중도.보수진영이 치열하게 혁신하면
2년 후 대선에서 이길 수 있다고 말했습니다.

중도.보수 진영의 단일 후보를 선출하기 위한
경선이 있을 것으로 예상된다며
경선에 참여해도 제주도지사직에서 물러날 필요는 없다고 말해
참여 가능성을 열어뒀습니다.

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