Expansionary construction of Bijarim Road resuspended within 1 day
김동국 PD  |  ttiger8@kctvjeju.com
|  2020.05.29 14:44
3. Expansionary construction of Bijarim Road resuspended within 1 day
Environmental groups oppose project

Expansionary construction of the Bijarim Road had resumed after a year’s delay when it was almost immediately resuspended.

Jeju Island resumed construction of the second section of the Bijarim road on the 27th, but announced that they would temporarily suspend the construction following a request by the Yeongsan River Environmental Management Office.

Construction of the second section of the Bijarim road had resumed following an expert's review that there will be minimal habitat damage to species under legal protection. However, environmental groups oppose the project saying that the construction project lacks implementation of environmental impact reduction measures. Thus, the Yeongsan River Environmental Management Office intends to review the plan.

Jeju Island decided to reschedule the construction after consulting with the Environmental Agency on the 29th.

3. 비자림로 확장공사 하루 만에 다시 중단

1년 만에 재개됐던 비자림로 확장공사가
하루 만에 다시 중단됐습니다.

27일 비자림로 2구간 확장공사를 재개했지만
영산강유역환경청의 공사 보류 요청에 따라
공사를 일시 중단한다고 밝혔습니다.

비자림로 2구간은 법정보호종 등의 서식지 훼손 문제가
별로 없다는 전문가 검토 결과에 따라 공사가 재개됐지만,
환경저감대책 이행이 부족하다는 환경단체의 반발에 따라
영산강유역환경청이 재검토할 것으로 알려졌습니다.

제주도는 29일 환경청과 협의를 통해
공사 재개 시점을 다시 정하기로 했습니다. (내용확인)

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