Jeju City mayor under fire for staffing irregularities
김동국 PD  |
|  2020.06.29 08:06
1. Jeju City mayor under fire for staffing irregularities
Ahn Dong-woo's political motives questioned

During a provincial council meeting on the 26th, the personnel hearing sparked controversy over the politics of Ahn Dong-woo, who is expected to be mayor of Jeju District. Governor Won’s administration was accused of placing personnel in key positions in a revolving door scandal.

The provincial council's special committee for personnel hearings criticized Ahn, a former liberal politician and Democratic Labor Party member, for joining Governor Won’s camp as vice governor and subsequently being nominated as mayor of Jeju District.

Serious doubts were raised about Ahn’s political motives, as it was he who strongly criticized the “parachute appointment” of Governor Won when the governor was inaugurated.

The lawmakers also noted that the governor has recently formalized his bid for the presidency and is at odds with the central government, and that if Ahn is appointed mayor, he must make a forthright statement.

1. 안동우 제주시장 인사청문…회전문 인사 논란

26일 열린 안동우 제주시장 예정자에 대한
도의회 인사청문회에서는
원지사의 회전문 인사 논란이 이어졌습니다.

도의회 인사청문특별위원회는
민주노동당 등 진보 정치인 출신의 안 예정자가
원희룡 도정에서 정무부지사에 이어
제주시장 예정자로 지명되는 등 정치행보에 대해 비판했습니다.

특히, 원도정 출범 당시 낙하산 인사에 대해
강하게 비판했던 안 예정자가
제주시장 공모에 참여한 배경에 의구심을 제기했습니다.

의원들은 또
최근 원지사가 대권 도전을 공식화하며
중앙정부와 대립각을 세우고 있다며
만약 안 예정자가 시장으로 임명된다면
제대로 직언해야 한다고 당부하기도 했습니다.

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