Province works to attract domestic tourists during summer holiday season
김동국 PD  |
|  2020.07.06 07:55
4. Province works to attract domestic tourists during summer holiday season
Will continue to maintain high level of alert for coronavirus

The provincial government is making plans to create a more effective publicity campaign to attract domestic Korean tourists during the holiday season while maintaining a high level of preventive measures of COVID 19.

The government will set a special week for travel until July 19th to promote a project for what is being called "quarantined tourism” in association with the Jeju Tourism Organization and the Jeju Tourism Association.

Jeju tourism is being promoted intensively through broadcasting and social media. The e-commerce shopping site based in Jeju, Tamnao, is also holding a discount promotional event.

In addition to attracting tourists, Jeju Island will deliver quarantine kits and supplies to rental cars, chartered buses, and more than 100 travel agencies in the province.

4. 휴가철 내국인 관광객 유치 홍보 강화

코로나19 방역과 예방을 전제로
휴가철 내국인 관광객 유치를 위한 홍보를 강화합니다.

이를 위해 오는 19일까지 특별 여행주간으로 정해
관광공사, 관광협회와 함께
방역 관광 윈윈 프로젝트를 추진합니다.

방송과 SNS를 통해 제주 관광을 집중 홍보하고
제주 공공 쇼핑몰인
탐나오에서는 할인 이벤트도 진행합니다.

제주도는 관광객 유치와 함께
렌터카와 전세버스, 도내 100여개 여행업체에
방역물품을 전달할 예정입니다.

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    여러분들의 제보가 한발 더 가까이 다가서는 뉴스를 만들 수 있습니다.
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