Korea Foundation records highest competition rate amongst public organizations
김동국 PD  |  ttiger8@kctvjeju.com
|  2020.07.20 07:55

7. Korea Foundation records highest competition rate amongst public organizations
688 applications submitted for 4 positions

The Korea Foundation, a public organization that recently moved their headquarters to Jeju Island, had a competition rate of 172 to 1 for the hiring process.

The Korea Foundation, an organization affiliated with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, closed application submissions for international exchange jobs on the 14th, with 688 applicants applying for four new positions, recording a competition rate of 172 to 1.

This is the highest competition rate among all domestic public institutions.

The foundation will conduct document screenings later this month, written tests early next month, and carry out final interviews before announcing the new hires.

6. 제주 이전 한국국제교류재단 공채 경쟁률 172대 1 (번역가)

제주에 이전한 공공기관인
한국국제교류재단의 신규채용 경쟁률이 172대 1을 기록했습니다

외교부 산하공공기관인 한국국제교류재단이
지난 14일 국제교류직 신규채용에 따른
원서접수를 마감한 결과
4명 모집에 688명이 지원해 172대 1을 기록했습니다.

이는 국내 공공기관 가운데 가장 높은 경쟁률입니다.

이달 하순 서류전형과 내달 초 필기시험,
그리고 면접절차를 거쳐 최종 합격자를 발표하게 됩니다.

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