Governor Won expresses disdain for revision of police law
김동국 PD  |
|  2020.08.10 07:48
3. Governor Won expresses disdain for revision of police law
‘Municipal police will be absorbed into the national police’

Governor Won Hee-ryong has expressed regret over the revision of the police law, which unifies the local and national police organizations.

Governor Won said at the general meeting of the provincial governor's council held on the 6th that the passing of the Autonomous Police Act amendment would result in the municipal police being absorbed into the national police. The governor expressed that this would result in a step backward for maintaining order and safety for local residents.

Accordingly, Governor Won insisted that the city and provincial governors' council present their opinions and persuade lawmakers to reflect on the purpose of the autonomous police system, and asked for active cooperation from other cities and provinces.

3. 원 지사, "자치경찰 국가경찰화 유감"

자치경찰과 국가경찰 조직을 일원화하는
경찰법 개정안에 대해
원희룡 지사가 유감을 표명했습니다.

원 지사는 6일 열린 시도지사협의회 총회에서
자치경찰법 개정안이 통과되면 자치경찰이 국가경찰에 편입된다며
지역주민의 생활 안전과 질서유지 업무에 역행하는 결과를
초래할 수 있다고 말했습니다.

이에 따라 자치경찰제 취지가 반영될 수 있도록
시,도지사협의회 차원에서 의견을 제시하고
국회의원들을 설득해야 한다며
타시.도의 적극적인 협조를 요청했습니다.

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