Stricter Social Distancing Extended for Schools?
김동국 PD  |
|  2020.09.07 10:02
As the number of untraceable COVID-19 cases is increasing also in Jeju, education authorities cannot relax.
School attendance caps that limit to one-third of capacity in big schools as a part of social distancing are in force until this Friday.
The local educational office is reviewing extension of the measure.
Joseph Kim reports.

This is one of the local elementary schools in Seogwipo.

This school had provided online classes since August 31st, when the number of confirmed cases of COVID-19 started to rise among people associated with a guest house in (남원) Namwon.

The local education authorities lifted the mandatory online class order given to schools in (남원) Namwon, (대정) Daejeong and (안덕) Andeok on September 4th.

Schools in the regions are allowing a limited number of students to attend classes this week.
The virus hasn’t spread to students and teachers, but education authorities cannot relax.

Because of school caps that currently limit attendance to one-third of capacity in large schools, will only be in force until this Friday.
Attendance at big local kindergartens, elementary and middle schools is limited to one-third of their capacity and attendance at high schools is limited to two-thirds this week.

Virus infection is being spread among people associated with a hot spring near (산방산) Sanbangsan Mountain and the guest house in (남원) Namwon.
As infection routes of some cases are being identified late, the danger of further transmission grows.
Therefore, it is highly possible that education authorities may keep the strict social distancing measures in place for the foreseeable future.

Seoul has decided to extend the social distancing measure at level two to September 20th nationwide.

Meanwhile, the local education office has announced that it will consult with the Ministry of Education this Wednesday or Thursday on the limited school attendance for local schools.

As Seoul has extended the period of stricter social distancing to suppress the coronavirus, online classes for this year’s second semester are likely unavoidable.

Joseph Kim, KCTV

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