Jeju Island cracks down on fraudulent records of origin on fisheries products
김동국 PD  |
|  2020.09.16 10:17
Jeju Island cracks down on fraudulent records of origin on fisheries products
Intense measures will be taken ahead of Chuseok holidays

The provincial government will crackdown on falsified records of origin on fisheries products ahead of Chuseok.

The crackdown will be conducted from the 16th to the 30th at traditional markets, discount stores, and fisheries processing and distribution companies. Authorities will investigate hairtail, yellow corvina, mackerel, tile fish and red sea bream, which are all primarily used as gifts and sacrificial food during ancestral rites.

The government plans to impose administrative measures, such as fines and charges, for any violations in accordance with relevant laws.

5. 추석 앞두고 수산물 원산지 허위표시 집중 단속

추석을 앞두고 수산물 원산지 허위표시를 집중 단속합니다.

이번 단속은 16일부터 오는 30일까지
재래시장과 할인매장,
수산물 가공.유통업체를 대상으로 이뤄지며
제수 또는 선물용품인
갈치와 참조기, 옥돔, 고등어, 참돔 등입니다.

제주도는 적발된 위반사항에 대해
관련법에 따라
벌금이나 과태료 부과, 고발 등의 행정조치를 내릴 방침입니다.

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