2 additional COVID-19 patients confirmed
김동국 PD  |  ttiger8@kctvjeju.com
|  2020.09.18 07:54
2 additional COVID-19 patients confirmed
Patients are Bangladeshi student and a contact of Bucheon patient
Two additional COVID-19 patients have been confirmed yesterday.

According to the provincial government, the 57th patient is a Bangladeshi international student who arrived in Jeju on August 30th. The patient tested positive for the virus in the 3rd sample collection while the student was in self-quarantine at the school’s accommodation facility.

Patient No. 58 was confirmed yesterday at 7 p.m. The patient was tested at the Seogwipo Health Center after being informed by Bucheon City health officials that they had come into contact with Bucheon patient No. 328.

Authorities moved the patients to negative pressure rooms at Jeju National University Hospital and are tracing their travel routes and contacts through CCTV footage and their testimonies.

57·58번 확진자 발생…'유학생·확진자 접촉자'

제주에서 어제(17일) 코로나19 확진자
2명이 추가로 발생했습니다.

제주특별자치도에 따르면
57번 확진자는 방글라데시 국적 유학생으로
지난 달 30일 제주에 입도해 학교 측 임시 숙소에서
자가격리 중 어제(17일) 3차 검체 검사에서
양성 판정이 나왔습니다.

58번 확진자는
어제(17일) 경기도 부천시보건소로부터
부천 328번 확진자의 접촉자로 통보받은 이후
서귀포 보건소에서 검사를 받았고
오후 7시 쯤 최종 확정 판정을 받았습니다.

방역 당국은
오늘 오전 이들을 제주대병원 음압병실로 이송하는 한편
확진자 진술과 CCTV 등을 통해
추가 동선과 접촉자를 파악하고 있습니다.

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