Jeju parcel delivery union withdraws plans to strike
김동국 PD  |
|  2020.09.21 07:44
Jeju parcel delivery union withdraws plans to strike
Government pledges to ease burden of courier service people

Jeju delivery workers have withdrawn their plans for a strike and have helped avoid delivery service chaos.

A committee of civic and labor groups dedicated to preventing overwork of courier service people announced that they have decided to change their plan of rejecting work scheduled for this week. The decision comes after an announcement made by the government committing to measures that prevent overwork, such as hiring additional workers during the Chuseok peak season.

As a result, the Jeju branch of the National Courier Union has also decided to withdraw its plan to refuse work, which was planned to be carried out by 70 members.

제주 택배노조, 작업 거부 계획 철회

제주지역 택배 노동자들이
예고했던 작업 거부 계획을 철회하면서
우려했던 택배 대란을 피할 수 있게 됐습니다.

택배 노동자 과로사 대책위원회는
추석 성수기 추가 인력 투입 등
과로사 방지 대책을 발표함에 따라
이번 주로 예정됐던 작업 거부 계획을 변경하기로 했다고 밝혔습니다.

이에 따라 전국택배연대노동조합 제주지부도
조합원 70여명이 동참할 예정이었던
작업 거부 방침을 철회하기로 했습니다.

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