Province increases manpower, equipment to collect waste during Chuseok
김동국 PD  |
|  2020.09.23 07:51
Province increases manpower, equipment to collect waste during Chuseok
Daily collection will take place over holiday

The provincial government will deploy more manpower and equipment to collect waste on a daily basis during the Chuseok holiday.

On Chuseok day, which falls on October 2nd this year, garbage collection will take place from 10 p.m. to 5 a.m. the following day. During the other four days of the holiday, garbage will be collected from 5 a.m. to 2 p.m.

The province made the decision to increase cleaning trucks and equipment, as well as the number of scheduled trips, as the use of disposable products has surged due to COVID-19.

Meanwhile, 18 recycling centers in Jeju City will be closed on October 2nd in observance of Chuseok, and residents are advised to make sure their local center is open when disposing of recyclables.

추석 연휴 쓰레기 '당일 수거'…인력·장비 추가

제주도가 추석 연휴 발생하는 쓰레기에 대해
당일 수거를 원칙으로
인력과 장비를 추가 운영합니다.

추석 당일인 다음달 2일만
밤 10시부터 이튿날 새벽 5시까지 쓰레기를 수거하고
나머지 연휴 나흘은
평상시와 동일하게 새벽 5시부터 오후 2시까지 수거합니다.

특히 코로나19 여파로 일회용품 사용이 많아진 만큼
평소보다 많은 인력과 장비를 동원하고
청소차량 운행횟수도 늘리기로 했습니다.

한편 요일별 배출제에 관계없이
쓰레기를 버릴 수 있는 재활용도움센터 73곳 가운데
제주시지역 18곳은
추석 당일 운영하지 않는 만큼
사전에 운영 여부를 확인해야 합니다.
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