Larvae in tap water found to be caused by inflow of drifting water
김동국 PD  |
|  2020.10.26 10:49
Larvae in tap water found to be caused by inflow of drifting water
Unusual circumstances result of summer torrential rains, typhoons

The larvae found in the tap water of the Seogwipo area was reported to have been caused by drifting waters from the Gangjeongcheon Stream due to recent typhoons and torrential rains.

The Gangjeong Water Purification Plant usually uses spring water as a water source, but the Jeju Water Supply and Drainage Management Headquarters believe that drifting water flowed into the plant, caused by the recent typhoons and torrential rains. The drifting water carried larvae from the river into the plant.

The National Institute of Biological Resources' analysis of the first larvae discovered determined that they were a species of non-biting midge. The exact genetic results are expected to be released on the 26th.

The water and sewerage headquarters has strengthened the cleaning of the filter bed and reservoir of the Gangjeong water purification plant. They have also increased monitoring of larvae inflow.

In order to help ease the inconvenience of the lack of safe tap water, Jeju Island will cooperate with the Jeju Provincial Development Corporation to provide Samdasoo bottled water to the community center of those affected. They also plan to implement a reduction in water utility fees.

Meanwhile, other 16 water plants were found to be free of larvae.

2. "유충 발견, 태풍-집중호우로 표류수 유입 때문"

최근 서귀포 지역 수돗물에서 발견된 유충은
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상하수도본부는 강정정수장 여과지와 배수지에 대한 세척,
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