Taxes on EV charging facilities to be reduced
김동국 PD  |
|  2020.10.26 10:52
Taxes on EV charging facilities to be reduced
Social cooperatives to receive 50% reduction on registration license taxes

Local tax breaks will be further implemented for charging facilities of electric vehicles on Jeju Island.

The Jeju provincial government has announced a bill to reduce the tax on charging facilities of electric vehicles.

The bill proposes an exemption on property taxes in addition to the existing exemption on acquisition taxes for the environmentally friendly car charging facilities.

Social cooperatives will also be given a 50% reduction on registration license taxes for registration of establishments and expansion of business.

At the same time, the deadline for the tax reduction period will be extended by one year for international ship acquisition taxes under the Jeju Ship Registration Special Zone, which is due to end at the end of this year.

6. 전기차 충전시설-사회적협동조합 감면혜택 확대

전기자동차 충전시설과
사회적 협동조합에 대한 지방세 감면혜택이 확대됩니다.

제주도는 이같은 내용을 골자로 한
제주도세 감면 조례안을 입법예고했습니다.

주요내용을 보면
환경 친화적 자동차 충전시설에 대해
취득세 외에
재산세를 추가로 면제합니다.

또 사회적 협동조합에 대해
출자 증가에 대한
등록면허세의 50%를 추가 감면합니다.

이와 함께 올 연말로 일몰되는
제주선박등록특구에 따른
국제선박 취득세 감면기한을 1년 연장합니다.
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