The Korea-Japan governors' meeting held online on Oct. 27
김동국 PD  |
|  2020.10.28 13:42
The Korea-Japan governors' meeting held online on Oct. 27
Proposal for joint response to combat nuclear discharge from Fukushima plant

Governor Won Hee-ryong proposed a joint response to the nuclear water discharge from the Fukushima nuclear power plant during the Korea-Japan Strait Coastal Interchange Conference that was held online on the 27th.

Governor Won said that safety should be listed as a top priority, and stressed the need for a system that allows for a joint investigation of experts from different countries and members from international organizations, as well as a compiling of opinions from both Korea and Japan.

However, as the conference was held online in the aftermath of COVID-19, they agreed that further discussions were needed on the issue, and no joint statement was adopted.

The governors' meeting was attended by governors from Jeju, Busan, Jeollanam-do, Gyeongsangnam-do, and the prefectures of Fukuoka, Saga, Nagasaki, and Yamaguchi.

1. 한일해협 지사회의 열려…원전수 공동대응 제안

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