Social distancing at level 1.5 until March 14
김동국 PD  |
|  2021.03.02 14:25
Social distancing at level 1.5 until March 14
Private gatherings of more than 5 people remain prohibited

Jeju's social distancing regulations will stay at the current level of 1.5 until March 14.

The province said that existing social distancing regulations will remain in effect until the 14th, following the national government's two-week extension of the 1.5 phase for non-capital regions.

As a result, private gatherings of five or more people are still prohibited. Similarly, gatherings and meals organized by religious facilities will also continue to be banned.

However, restrictions have been lifted from sweating rooms and paid sleeping chambers, which were previously banned. The number of daily visitors allowed at wedding halls and funeral halls will increase from 200 to 500.

The province is planning to immediately issue an order prohibiting gatherings at workplaces that violate the quarantine regulations, and will impose fines for business owners and visitors.

3. 제주형 거리두기 1.5단계, 3월 14일까지 연장

제주형 사회적 거리두기가
3월 14일까지 현행 1.5단계로 유지됩니다.

정부의 비수도권 거리두기 1.5단계를 2주 연장 방침에 따라
제주형 사회적거리두기를
14일까지 현행 유지한다고 밝혔습니다.

이에 따라 5인 이상 사적 모임은 여전히 금지되고
종교시설 주관 소모임과 식사도 제한됩니다.

다만 목욕장업은 기존에 금지했던 발한실과 수면실 운영이 허용되고
장례식장 하루 방문객도
기존 2백 명에서 5백명으로 늘어납니다.

방역수칙을 위반한 사업장은
곧바로 집합금지 명령을 내리고
업주와 이용객에게는 과태료를 부과할 방침입니다.

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