Moon Highlights April 3rd Special Act
김동국 PD  |
|  2021.03.04 14:57
The National Assembly approved the long-awaited April 3rd Special Act revision bill last Friday. President Moon Jae-in sent his congratulations to the National Assembly and emboldened the government to take needed follow-up measures.
Joseph Kim reports.


At the cabinet meeting at (청와대) Cheongwadae, President Moon Jae-in mentioned last week’s meaningful passage of bills at the National Assembly.
He noted the revision bill of the April 3rd Special Act in particular among other bills.
Moon evaluated that the amendment supported by ruling and opposition parties made meaningful progress as it states national responsibilities on state violence and provides legal ground for compensation for losses.

Moon Jae-in / President
The amendment of April 3rd Special Act made meaningful progress as it states national responsibilities on state violence and provides legal ground for compensation.
씽크)문재인 대통령
4.3 특별법은 국가폭력에 대한 책임을 명시하고 희생자에 대한 배상과 보상근거를 마련했다는 점에서 매우 뜻깊은 진전입니다.

Dating back about two decades, the (김대중) Kim Dae-jung administration opened the door of truth by enacting the special act on the untold history, and later the (노무현) Roh Moo-hyun administration officially apologized for the state violence and recognized national responsibilities for the first time.
And this time, the current administration expressed its gratitude to the National Assembly noting the revision is another great progress.

Moon added that truth-finding, individuals’ honor restoration and compensation to victims are naturally the government’s responsibility, and they will lead our society to reconciliation and unity.

Moon Jae-in / President
Truth-finding, honor restoration and compensation are naturally the government’s responsibility to victims.
씽크)문재인 대통령
진실규명과 명예회복, 배.보상 조치 등은 억울하게 희생당한 국민에 대한 국가의 당연한 책무입니다.

He mentioned that the nation has taken a major step forward by the revision and stressed that needed follow-up measures including setting a just and reasonable criteria for compensation, additional fact-finding investigations and special retrial procedures for victims should be carried out as planned.

Moon Jae-in / President
The government will carry out needed follow-up measures including setting just and reasonable criteria for compensation, additional fact-finding investigations and special retrial procedures for victims as planned.
씽크)문재인 대통령
4.3 희생자에 대한 공정하고 합리적인 배보상기준 마련과 추가 진상조사, 특별재심 등 후속조치를 차질없이 이행해 나가겠습니다.

Moon attended the memorial ceremony in honor of the victims of the April 3rd Incident twice as president.
At the past ceremonies, he showed great interest in the incident and emphasized substantial truth-finding and compensation.
The president’s mention on the revision of the Special Act and promise for follow-up measures at the cabinet meeting reflects his interest.

Now, all eyes are on this year’s coming memorial ceremony where the president could make history by attending it a third time.

Joseph Kim, KCTV

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