Application for reasonably-priced businesses accepted through May 12
김동국 PD  |
|  2021.04.29 11:24
Application for reasonably-priced businesses accepted through May 12
Selected businesses will receive various benefits

The province is recruiting businesses that offer their products at a reasonably lower cost by the 12th of next month.

Businesses that are selected will receive a nameplate and garbage bags, as well as subsidy for water and electricity bills, and promotional marketing.

Once all the applications are collected the following month, new reasonably priced businesses will be selected and announced on July 1 through the local due diligence evaluation.

However, nationwide franchises and businesses that have received any administrative measures within the last three years, or have avoided payment on taxes will be excluded from the selection.

6. 상반기 착한가격업소 모집…내달 12일까지

제주도가 다음달 12일까지 올 상반기 착한가격업소를 모집합니다.

착한가격업소에 선정되면
명패와 종량제봉투는 물론
전기료 요금 보조,
홍보 마케팅을 지원받을 수 있습니다.

다음달 중 접수가 마무리되면
현지 실사 평가를 거쳐
7월 1일자로
신규 착한가격업소로 선정됩니다.

다만 최근 3년 이내 행정처분을 받았거나
전국 단위 프랜차이즈 가맹업소,
지방세 체납 업소 등은 선정에서 배제됩니다.

종합 리포트 뉴스
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    여러분들의 제보가 한발 더 가까이 다가서는 뉴스를 만들 수 있습니다.
    제보전화 064·741·7766 | 팩스 064·741·7729
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