Limited attendance at schools extended
김동국 PD  |
|  2021.06.11 10:35
Limited attendance at schools extended
1/3 of students at highly populated schools allowed to attend classes on-site

As the social distancing level 2 has been extended until the 20th in Jeju, the Provincial Office of Education has also decided to maintain the current academic management system for the same period of time.

As a result, 1/3 of the total student population in elementary, middle, and high schools with a large number of students will be allowed to attend classes onsite. Exceptions will be made with certain schools after consultations with the provincial education office allowing up to 2/3 of the student population to attend school.

Schools with a small number of students will be able to choose between total attendance or 2/3 attendance depending on the school situation.

Meanwhile, high school seniors, kindergarteners, and elementary students in grades 1-2 will go to school daily, and all of the students attending vocational high schools in the province will be able to go to school from the 14th according to the Ministry of Education's policy.

1. 거리두기 2단계에 맞춰 학사 운영 방안 연장

제주지역 사회적 거리두기 2단계가 20일까지 연장됨에 따라
현재 학사 운영 방안을
같은 기간까지 연장하기로 했습니다.

이에 따라
학생수가 많은 초중고등학교는
3분의 1등교를 실시하고
도교육청과의 협의에 따라 3분의 2 등교를 허용합니다.

이외에 학생수가 적은 학교는
학교 상황에 따라
3분의 2 등교 또는 전체등교를 실시합니다.

한편, 고등학교 3학년과 유치원, 초등학교 1-2학년은 매일 등교하며,
직업계고교는 교육부 방침에 따라
오는 14일부터 전체 등교가 가능해질 전망입니다.
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    여러분들의 제보가 한발 더 가까이 다가서는 뉴스를 만들 수 있습니다.
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