Prosecutors file appeal on lawmaker Song Jae-ho
김동국 PD  |
|  2021.07.28 10:49
Prosecutors file appeal on lawmaker Song Jae-ho
Violations of Public Official Election Act

The prosecution filed an appeal against lawmaker (송재호) Song Jae-ho of the Democratic Party of Korea, who received a fine of 900,000 won in the second trial for violating the Public Official Election Act.

The Jeju District Prosecutor’s Office explained the reason for the appeal, stating that the sentence was unfair as there was a misunderstanding of the facts and the legal principles regarding Song’s remarks.

The second trial judged lawmaker Song to be guilty of remarks about President Moon Jae-in's participation in the April 3rd commemoration ceremony during the last local election campaign, and acquitted of remarks about unpaid work while serving as the chairman of the Presidential Committee for Balanced National Development in a broadcast debate.

4. 검찰, 선거법 위반 송재호 의원 대법원에 상고

공직선거법 위반 혐의로 2심에서도 1심과 같은 벌금 90만 원을 받은
더불어민주당 송재호 의원에 대해 검찰이 상고했습니다.

제주지방검찰청은 항소심 재판부가 무보수 근무 발언에 대해 무죄로 판단한 부분에
사실오인과 법리오해가 있고 양형도 부당하다며 상고 이유를 설명했습니다.

앞선 2심 재판부는 송재호 의원에 대해 지난 지방선거 유세 기간 중
문재인 대통령 4.3 추념식 참석 발언은 유죄를,
방송 토론회에서 국가균형발전위언장 재직당시 무보수 근무 발언은
무죄로 판단했습니다.

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