Nomura Jellyfish Advisory Lifted
고주연   |  
|  2021.11.15 10:10
Nomura Jellyfish Advisory Lifted

The Nomura Jellyfish advisory warning that was issued in Jeju Island since May has been lifted.

The Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries announced
that they lifted the warning as the number of Nomura Jellyfish which
flowed into the shores near Jeju and the South Sea since May
has decreased.

In addition, as the number of Moon Jellyfish which were observed in (전라남도) Jeollanam-do and
(경상남도) Gyeongsangnam-do provinces
during the similar period reduced,
its advisory was also lifted.

The Department of Oceans and Fisheries will continue to share
observation status reports and respond
to related issues with local governments
even after the lift of the advisories.

제주 부근 노무라입깃해파리 주의보 해제

제주 부근 해역에 발령됐던 해파리 주의보가 해제됐습니다.

해양수산부는 지난 5월부터 제주와 남해 해역에 유입된
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같은 시기 전남과 경남 등에 출연 하던
보름달물해파리도 개체 수가 감소해 주의보가 함께 해제됐습니다.

해수부는 주의보를 해제한 뒤에도
자치단체와 출현 상황을 공유하고 공동 대응할 방침입니다.
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