Construction Industry in Seogwipo Recovers
고주연   |  
|  2022.01.05 10:42
Construction Industry in Seogwipo Recovers

The construction industry in Seogwipo City is showing a sign of recovery by presenting an upswing for the first time in five years.

The Seogwipo City approved permits for
construction on 685,000 square meters of land
with 1,800 cases last month.
That’s 13.5 percent more land than the same period last year.

By sector, the trend was most apparent
in the public sector, by showing an increase by 116%,
followed by a 30% increase in construction
of the agricultural and fisheries sector and
a 9% rise in the residential sector.

On the other hand, the construction in the
commercial sector and social and education sectors
decreased by 1.3% and 35%, respectively.

Also noteworthy is the number of construction reports
that amounted to 1,220 which is a
43.7% increase compared to the previous year.

지난해 서귀포시 건축경기 5년 만에 '회복세'

지난해 서귀포시 건축경기가
5년 만에 상승세를 나타내며 회복세로 전환됐습니다.

서귀포시에 따르면
지난해 말 기준 서귀포시 건축허가 면적은
1천800여 건에 68만 5천 제곱미터로
전년 같은 기간 보다 13.5% 증가했습니다.

용도별로는 주거용이 9%, 농수산용 30%,
공공 건축물이 116% 증가했습니다.

반면 상업용은 1.3%, 문교·사회용 건축물은
35%가량 감소한 것으로 집계됐습니다.
이와 함께 건축물 착공신고도 1천220건으로
전년 대비 43.7% 증가했습니다.
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