Seogwipo City Conducts Hygiene Inspection
고주연   |  
|  2022.05.09 09:50
Seogwipo City Conducts Hygiene Inspection

Seogwipo City is conducting a hygiene inspection on 232 restaurants and accommodation facilities near tourist attractions.

The inspection will focus on cleanliness of rooms and bedclothes and posting price tables in lodging facilities. Restaurants will be inspected on the expiration date of ingredients and compliance with hygiene standards.

In particular, city officials will also check exorbitant prices, poor service quality and illegal touting.

Meanwhile, the city government took administrative measures, such as closure and suspension of business and levying fines on 157 business sites last year.

서귀포시, 대형 숙박업소·음식점 위생점검

서귀포시가 오는 9일부터
관광지 주변 대형 숙박업소와
음식점 232개소에 대해
특별 위생 점검을 실시합니다.

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위생 취급기준 준수 여부 등을 점검하게 됩니다.

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점검을 병행할 방침입니다.

한편 서귀포시는
지난해 관련 법규를 위반한
157개소에 대해
영업소 폐쇄와 영업정지, 과태료 등의 행정처분을 실시했습니다.
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