Jeju Youth Center Promotes Youth Activities
이현   |  
|  2023.02.02 09:12
The Jeju Youth Center will invest 989 million won in project costs this year to promote youth participation activities.

Accordingly, it plans to establish an online hub platform for Jeju Youth Policy, operate a working group to establish a Jeju-type youth guarantee system, and promote projects to support employment activities.

The Youth Center will continue to discover and promote sensible policies that reflect the needs of young people and serve as a hub for youth policies through centralized management of information.

제주청년센터, 청년 참여·활동사업 추진

제주청년센터가 올해 9억 8천900여만 원의 사업비를 투입해 청년 참여 활동 사업을 추진합니다.

이에 따라 제주청년정책 온라인허브 플랫폼을 구축하고 제주형 청년보장제 전달체계 구축을 위한 워킹그룹 운영, 취업활동 지원사업 등을 추진할 계획입니다.

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